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Mission Complete!

I'm VERY pleased to announce we successfully completed our initial task with the US State Department Bureau of Oversees Building Operations (OBO) of providing instructor-led, advanced leadership and facility management competency training to over 30 senior facility management (FM) professionals during the Construction, Facility and Security Management In-Service Training Workshop held in Garmisch, Germany.

Yet, the greatest take away for me, professionally and personally, was being welcomed as though I was a member of the OBO FM team. The last time I had such an experience was when I served on US federal military active duty as a member of the US Air Force's civil engineering community.

On behalf of the men and women who make FM3IS Associates as service offering reality, we look forward to continuing our commitment in assisting OBO's effort to lead the transformational change needed to equip, enable and empower their world-wide personnel with the means to optimize the value and use of their embassies, consulates and mission support facilities.

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DUNS NUMBER: 080527188


US Business Classifications: Small Disadvantage, Woman-owned, Disabled Veteran-owned 
NAICS CODES: 561210 - Facility Support Services; 541611 - Admin Mgmt & General Mgmt Consulting Services, 611430 - Professional & Management Development Training; 611691 - Exam Prep & Tutoring

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